It is with great excitement and pleasure that Children’s Miracle Network invites you to a check presentation: On Friday, March 16, 2012, the Dance Marathon at Florida State University Overall Committee will be presenting a check in the amount of $297,736 to Ed Jimenez, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Shands at UF, and Dr. Scott Rivkees, Chair, Department of Pediatrics, Shands Hospital for Children. This check represents HALF of the funds raised during the 2012 Dance Marathon at FSU benefiting Children’s Miracle Network at Shands Hospital for Children. Popcorn will be served!
Event Details
Event: 2012 Dance Marathon at FSU check presentation to Shands Hospital for Children at UF
Date: Friday, March 16, 2012
Time: 2:00 pm
Place: 4th floor general pediatrics, welcome desk and conference room 4433
February 17-19, 2012, marked the 17th anniversary of Dance Marathon at Florida State University. In 1996, it was one of the founding five Dance Marathons benefiting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. DM at FSU started its humble beginnings in Tully Gym with approximately 100 dancers who raised slightly more than $19,000. Now, DM at FSU is the largest student-run philanthropy on FSU’s campus and is the largest in student participation in the southeastern United States. In its seventeen years, more than 10,550 student dancers have stayed awake and on their feet for more than 505 hours, raising more than $3.8 million, including $595,472.25 this year alone. These students “Give a weekend, Save a Life” to help raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at Shands Hospital for Children at UF and the FSU College of Medicine’s pediatric outreach programs.
We hope you and your staff can take a moment to join us in this presentation and thank these incredible students for their year-long commitment to Children’s Miracle Network at Shands Hospital for Children at UF.
For the Kids,
Children’s Miracle Network Staff