Great strides are made every day in the Department of Pediatrics. A few are highlighted below.
Michael Weiss, M.D., Featured in a UF Health Commercial
Dr. Weiss was selected for his work with body cooling therapy on newborns who are deprived of oxygen during birth and for his dedication to the Florida Neonatal Neurologic Network. Click HERE to view the advertising campaign components, including print ads, television commercial spots, radio spots and digital (website) advertising spots.
A Day in the Life: Would You Like to be Featured in the Pulse of Pediatrics?
“A Day in the Life” was a recent newsletter idea submission from a fellow reader. It would enable newsletter subscribers to learn about what you do in your role and the impact you have on the department. We’re currently accepting volunteers (to be interviewed and photographed) for this recurring newsletter feature. If interested, please email Peveeta Seeraj at
Congratulations to Marylou Behnke, M.D., on Her Retirement
At her farewell party in June, Dr. Behnke was presented with a check worth $2,300 for her Zambia Medical Mission Fund, representing donations from friends and faculty throughout the department.