Three faculty members inducted into UF College of Medicine’s Society of Teaching Scholars
Erik Black, Ph.D., Nicole Paradise Black, M.D., and Maria Kelly, M.D., have been inducted into the University of Florida College of Medicine’s Society of Teaching Scholars. This special award recognizes members of the faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and commitment to the formation of physicians and scientists.
Teaching scholars are asked to mentor junior faculty on teaching improvement and serve in an advisory capacity to the Faculty Development Committee and COMEC (College of Medicine Education Center). Current members of the Society are responsible for selecting new members based on nominations and a teaching portfolio.
Multiple Sclerosis Society Award
Brad Hoffman, Ph.D., assistant professor in the division of cellular and molecular therapy received a very prestigious $40,000 award from the national Multiple Sclerosis Society.
His proposal seeks to develop a clinically relevant therapy to inhibit demyelinating disease progression using AAV viral gene transfer. This innovative treatment strategy is designed to re-establish immunological self-tolerance to a CNS auto-antigen through the induction and expansion of antigen-specific regulatory Tcells.
Renowned biochemical genetics expert recruited to UF
Congratulations to Roberto Zori, M.D. and the Department of Pathology for the recruitment of Cheryl Garganta, M.D., Ph.D, to the University of Florida.
Dr. Garganta is a nationally-renowned expert in biochemical genetics. She is one of a handful of biochemical geneticists in the United States and will play a leading role in the treatment of children with metabolic disorders at UF and in the state.
Significant strides in antibiotic delivery statistics
Congratulations t the Pediatric Emergency Department, the Hematology Oncology Division, and resident Allison Ast, M.D., for making tremendous progress in the delivery of antibiotics (within 60 minutes) to immune-compromised children in the emergency room. The average time for antibiotic delivery for this special at-risk population is now 39 minutes after arrival for more than 95 percent of the children!