Epic Go Live on April 18th for Specialty Clinic

Epic is set to go live in the Specialty Clinic on April 18th. Training for Epic is available for all faculty and staff through the Shands portal. Here are the instructions for on line training and links to sign up for class sessions. Online training is through Health Stream on the Shands portal and class enrollment is through the designated links.

Instruction for classes schedules and sessions:


  • Part I: This part is completed on Health Stream. This group needs to complete Required Physician Provider Training. View instructions
  • Part II: Go to http://xms.dce.ufl.edu/reg/groups/cme/default.aspx to register for Epic Training-MD (Peds Specialites Only)


  • Part I: This part is completed on Health Stream. This group needs to complete Required Nurse Training. View instructions
  • Part II: Go to http://xms.dce.ufl.edu/reg/groups/cme/default.aspx to register for Epic Training-Nurse (Peds Specialites Only)

Clerical Staff

All training is done on Health Stream. This group needs to complete Required Clerical Staff Training. View instructions